Confined-space Inspection - made more accessible

drone inspecting tunnel

Confined-space inspection is now more accessible with an affordable new product, Lumicopter. This might just make our self engineered rig unnecessary.

Combining the DJI FPV drone with a custom-made protective shell and LED light, Lumicopter has been designed to fly in enclosed or hazardous facilities such as storage tanks, building interiors, powerplants, ships, etc.

While the drone camera is capable of capturing crystal clear videos of up to 4K 60 fps, a 4,000 lumens LED system makes the Lumicopter ready for low-light indoor inspections as well. The solution, which can be deployed quickly without any complex installation, can roll around tight corners, detect damage, and send a live video feed to the controlling tablet to reduce the safety risk for workers.

Additional features include a controllable single-axis camera tilt of up to 108°, reducing the need for drone maneuvering during the inspection. The solution leverages a downward vision sensor for altitude position hold and better flying stability. The makers promise signal penetration of up to three floors in a concrete stairwell (no line of sight), while safety feature such as a forward distance sensor for obstacle avoidance is also available.